lunes, 17 de octubre de 2016

15: Cuestionario WHAT'S MY LEADERSHIP STYLE? Mi estilo de liderazgo

Leadership and Team Skills
The following items describe aspects of leadership behavior. Respond to each item according to the way you would be most likely to act if you were the leader of a work group. Use this scale for your responses:

A = Always
F = Frequently
O = Occasionally
S = Seldom
N = Never
  1. I would most likely act as the spokesperson of the group.
    A F O S N
  2. I would encourage overtime work.
    A F O S N
  3. I would allow members complete freedom in their work.
    A F O S N
  4. I would encourage the use of uniform procedures
    A F O S N
  5. I would permit the members to use their own judgment in solving problems.
    A F O S N
  6. I would stress being ahead of competing groups.
    A F O S N
  7. I would speak as a representative of the group.
    A F O S N
  8. I would needle members for greater effort.
    A F O S N
  9. I would try out my ideas in the group.
    A F O S N
  10. I would let the members do their work the way they think best.
    A F O S N
  11. I would be working hard for a promotion.
    A F O S N
  12. I would be able to tolerate postponement and uncertainty.
    A F O S N
  13. I would speak for the group when visitors were present.
    A F O S N
  14. I would keep the work moving at a rapid pace.
    A F O S N
  15. I would turn the members loose on a job and let them go to it.
    A F O S N
  16. I would settle conflicts when they occur in the group.
    A F O S N
  17. I would get swamped by details.
    A F O S N
  18. I would represent the group at outside meetings.
    A F O S N
  19. I would be reluctant to allow the members any freedom of action.
    A F O S N
  20. I would decide what shall be done and how it shall be done.
    A F O S N
  21. I would push for increased production.
    A F O S N
  22. I would let some members have authority that I should keep.
    A F O S N
  23. Things would usually turn out as I predicted.
    A F O S N
  24. I would allow the group a high degree of initiative.
    A F O S N
  25. I would assign group members to particular tasks.
    A F O S N
  26. I would be willing to make changes.
    A F O S N
  27. I would ask the members to work harder.
    A F O S N
  28. I would trust the group members to exercise good judgment.
    A F O S N
  29. I would schedule the work to be done.
    A F O S N
  30. I would refuse to explain my actions.
    A F O S N
  31. I would persuade others that my ideas are to their advantage.
    A F O S N
  32. I would permit the group to set its own pace.
    A F O S N
  33. I would urge the group to beat its previous record.
    A F O S N
  34. I would act without consulting the group.
    A F O S N
  35. I would ask that group members follow standard rules and regulations.
    A F O S N


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